The NTE123AP is a NPN Transistor with collector current of 600mA and Base voltage of 6V. It has a gain value of 100 to 300 and hence can be used in low power audio…
TDA7265 is a 25 Watt + 25 Watt stereo audio amplifier IC. The chip is a class AB dual audio power amplifier in Multiwatt package specifically designed for high quality sound…
TDA2005 is a 20 Watt audio amplifier IC, a class B dual audio power amplifier in Multiwatt11 package specifically designed for car radio applications. Because of high current…
ON Semiconductor released FSA4480, a USB Type-C analog audio switch with integrated protection, along with NCS21x series of current sense amplifiers, which can be used together in…
NJM4560 Pin Configuration
Pin Number
Pin Name
Provides the amplified Audio output…
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