As the name suggests the Gravity Gesture & Touch Sensor from DFRobots offers both gesture recognition and touch detecting functionalities in a single module. The module offers a configurable gesture detection range with in 0-30cm.
The INMP441 mems sensor is a high-performance, low-power digital I2S output omnidirectional MEMS microphone. Built on a compact footprint, this module is specifically designed for advanced audio and voice recognition applications.
The RFM69HW module is available in 3 different operating frequencies, 433MHZ, 868MHz, and 615Mhz. While buying the module we should consider the license-free ISM (Industry Scientific and Medical) frequency band in our respective countries.
The DRV8833 Module is a two-channel H-bridge motor driver breakout board that can be used to drive two DC motors or one stepper motor. It has a total of 12 pins, four of which are output and four of which are input.
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