The DRV8837 is a low-cost N channel MOSFET-based H bridge DC motor driver which is capable of driving a DC motor in Bi-direction or similar inductive loads.
The MAX22201 ICs integrate a single 36V, 3.5A peak full bridge configuration for driving brushed DC motors. With low impedance FETs and a typical RON of 0.3Ω, the full bridge ensures high driving efficiency.
Coreless motors are a type of DC motors that are specially used for battery-powered applications because they draw extremely low currents in no-load conditions and are mainly
Description of MX1508 DC Motor Driver
MX1508 DC Motor Driver is a low-cost motor driver module that can control DC stepper motors of current rating up to 2A.
Motor Driver: H-Bridge Topology and Direction control
The most commonly used actuator in any electronic device/machine will be motors next to solenoids, pneumatics and hydraulics.
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