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IoT (Internet of Things)

XBee S2C – RF module
XBee S2C – RF module

XBee S2C – RF Module

XBee S2C is a RF module designed for wireless communication or data exchange and it works on ZigBee mesh communication protocols that sit on top of IEEE 802.15.4 PHY. The module…
SIM900A GSM Module
SIM900A GSM Module

SIM900A GSM Module

The SIM900A is a readily available GSM/GPRS module,used in many mobile phones and PDA. The module can also be used for developing IOT (Internet of Things) and Embedded…
PN532 NFC RFID Module
PN532 NFC RFID Module

PN532- NFC RFID Module

We recently hear a lot about NFC. This feature is available in the latest high end smart phones present in the market. NFC stands for Near Field Communication. NFC is a protocol…
Arduino MKR1000 Wi-Fi Board
Arduino MKR1000 Wi-Fi Board

Arduino MKR1000 Wi-Fi Board

Arduino MKR1000 Pinout Description Pin Category Pin Name Details Power Li-Po(3.7v),Vin, Vcc, 5V, GND Lip…


RFID TAGS are mainly divided in to two types - PASSIVE RFID TAGS and ACTIVE RFID TAGS. PASSIVE RFID TAGS are the TAGS with no internal power source. And ACTIVE RFID TAGS are TAGS…
EM18 - RFID Reader Module
EM18 - RFID Reader Module

EM18 - RFID Reader Module

EM18 RFID Reader is a module which reads the ID information stored in RFID TAGS. This ID information is unique for every TAG which cannot be copied.    EM-18 Pin Configuration…
ESP8266 WiFi Module
ESP8266 WiFi Module

ESP8266 - WiFi Module

ESP8266 Pin Configuration Pin Number Pin Name Alternate Name Normally used for Alternate purpose 1…
433 MHz RF Receiver Module
433 MHz RF Receiver Module

433 MHz RF Receiver Module

Pin Configuration: No: Pin Name Description 1 Vcc Power supply (3V to 12V) 2…
FS1000A 433 MHz RF Transmitter Module Pinout
433 MHz RF Transmitter Module

FS1000A 433 MHz RF Transmitter Module

FS1000A RF Module Pinout Configuration: No: Pin Name Description 1 Vcc Power supply (+5V only…
HT12E RF Encoder IC
HT12E RF Encoder IC

HT12E RF Encoder IC

HT12E Pin Configuration  Pin Number Pin Name Description 1 to 8 A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 & A7 These are…