ROTORY ENCODER is a device used for knowing the axial movement and its direction. Although they are available in various types; here we are going to discuss about simple contact…
Force sensors are available in different sizes and shapes. Although the sizes and shapes are different, the basic function remains the same. You can choose the appropriate type…
4X4 KEYPAD Pin Configuration
4X4 KEYPAD MODULES are available in different sizes and shapes. But they all have same pin configuration. It is easy to make 4X4 KEYPAD by arranging…
ARDUINO DUE board is one of the most powerful development boards in the ARDUINO series. DUE board not only has tons of features but also has terrific processing speed making it…
ARDUINO PRO MINI board is one of the application boards. Since it is an application board, it does not have an in-built programmer. USB port and other connectors are also removed…
DigiKey and TraceParts announce a partnership that expands the availability of downloadable CAD model offerings for engineers, makers and product developers.