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2N5089 NPN Amplifier Transistor
2N5089 NPN Amplifier Transistor

2N5089 NPN Amplifier Transistor

2N5089 is an NPN Silicon-based Amplifier Transistor that is widely used in audio equipment for amplification and other purposes.
2N3819 N-Channel JFET
2N3819 N-Channel JFET

2N3819 N-Channel JFET

2N3819 is an N- Channel - Depletion layer JFET that is widely used in RF-based audio equipment for amplification and other purposes. It is a VHF / UHF Amplifier.
S8550 Transistor
S8550 Transistor

S8550 Transistor

S8550 Pinout Configuration Pin Number Pin Name Description 1 Emitter
2SC945 Bipolar NPN Transistor
C945 Bipolar NPN Transistor

2SC945 Bipolar NPN Transistor

C945 Transistor Pinout Configuration Pin Number Pin Name Description 1
UF3C/SC Silicon Carbide FETs
UF3C/SC Silicon Carbide FETs

New UF3C/UF3SC series of Silicon Carbide FETs with low RDS of 7/9 mΩ to Improve Efficiency, and Lower Losses

United SiC has introduced a series of UF3C/SC SiC FETS that are improved to provide higher switching speeds, higher efficiency, and lower losses w
2SC1815 Transistor
C1815 Transistor

2SC1815 NPN Transistor

The C1815 is a 50V 150mA general purpose NPN transistor with a maximum gain value of 700.  This makes the transistor suitable for amplifier applications.   C1815 Transistor Pinout Configuration Pin Number
UF3C/SC – Low RDS SiC FETs for Improved Efficiency and Lower Losses

UF3C/SC – Low RDS SiC FETs for Improved Efficiency and Lower Losses

The UnitedSic introduced UF3C/UF3SC series SiC FETs, which is designed based on a unique cascade configuration to provide higher switching speeds, higher efficiency, and lower losses.
2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor
2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor

2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor

The 2SC1345 is a low signal NPN amplifier transistor with a collector to emitter voltage of 50V and collector current of 100mA. The Transistor has a high gain value from 250 to 1200 making it suitable for amplifier designs.  
2SC1061 Transistor
2SC1061 Transistor

2SC1061 NPN Power Transistor

The 2SC1061 is a NPN Power Transistor in To-220 package. It has a DC current gain from 35 to 320 and transition frequency of 5MHz. It is commonly used in high power amplifier application along with its complementary PNP part 2SA671.  
BC546 Transistor
BC546 Transistor

BC546 NPN Transistor

The BC546 is a high frequency NPN Transistor commonly used in low noise amplifier designs. It has a maximum gain value of 800 and a high collector to emitter voltage of 65V making it also suitable for high voltage audio amplifier applications.